Opinion Sh!t

This week, we talked about a few methods for approaching a difference in opinion in your relationship. To clarify, this episode was about having a different opinion on the little things, not something big like your value system. Marko read an article that outlined a few very concrete steps. As usual, I found a nugget or two in there and I’m hopeful that you will as well!

Do you take the time to listen to your partner or are you just waiting for your turn to talk? So many of us are guilty of that…pretty sure I did it at least five times today! I think for me that’s the simplest of the suggestions but also the most challenging. I’m always so eager to make sure that my voice gets heard that I don’t stop to try and understand what Marko is saying. Things sure would be a lot easier if I didn’t do that. Here’s hoping I get better at during the break. See you in a couple of months!




Ogling Sh!t