Body Hair Sh!t

This week, we talked about preferences related to body hair. What do you prefer: a smooth, soft surface or a rugged, hairy man? Marko and I discussed the matter at length. It’s no surprise that he likes manly men or that I enjoy “a clean working space.” We’ve always had our preferences and they haven’t really changed over time. What about you, dear listeners? Have you always wanted what you like or have your preferences changed over time?

For me, I’ve always been more interested in the androgyny aspect of things. I prefer to have those arbitrary lines blurred, to see feminine men or masculine women. I don’t know what that’s about. Maybe I just like to bend the rules and challenge norms. Perhaps it is something deeper. “The world may never know,” as the advertisement from my youth intimates. We would love to hear your varied, disparate responses on this divisive topic. You know that we love a good argument here ;)


Goal-Setting Sh!t


Competitive Sh!t