1-1-1-1 Rule Sh!t

This week, we talked about a fun little concept: 1-1-1-1. It means taking a one-week vacation without anyone else, including kids (if you have them); having one date night per week without distractions; once a week, each partner initiates sexual intimacy; and one block of 30 minutes without screen time every night. Seems simple enough, right?

Marko and I are going to commit to trying this for the entirety of next month. We would love it If you could join us and do the same in your relationship. We will report back on how things went, our thoughts, feelings, and how it affected us. It would be great if you could respond to this post, write, or leave us a voice message and let us know how it was for you as well! As always, we would really like to hear from you :)


Sleeping with Friends Sh!t

